Surface Modified Silicon Nitride Substrates
December 21, 2016Atomic Layer-Deposited (ALD) Modified Silicon Nitride Substrates with Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Properties for Nanotechnology and Biotechnology Applications
Available as 150mm and 100mm diameter whole wafers and as 5x5mm, 5x7mm, 10x10mm and 3.0mm diameter diced chips with thicknesses of ultra-low/low-stress silicon nitride to match the intended application
High and low surface energies
Smooth and conformal substrates
Enhanced wetting and biocompatibility (hydrophilic coating)
Removes the need for plasma treatment of surface prior to cell growth
Hydrophobic coating offers novel platform for deposition and growth of nanomaterials
Chemistry and Properties
Hydrophilic: 5nm atomic layer-deposited alumina on 15, 50, and 200nm ultra low stress silicon nitride membrane
Hydrophobic: 5nm atomic layer-deposited alumina and 1nm tridecafluoro-1,1,2,2-tetrahydro-octyl-methyl-bis(dimethylamino)silane on 15, 50, and 200nm low stress silicon nitride membrane
Alumina (Hydrophilic) ALD Process
Hydrophilic Surface (XPS)
Hydrophobic Surface (XPS)
AFM Surface Roughness
Data obtained over a 3×3 micrometer area using a Veeco Dimension 3100 Nanoman AFM
All products utilize Ultra-Flat Silicon Wafers with the following typical specifications:
Ultra-flat 6” wafers
Material: CZ Virgin Silicon Wafer
Grade: Prime
Diameter: 150mm
Orientation: <100>
Type/Dopant: P/Boron
Resistivity: 10-20 ohm-cm
Thickness: 675µm +/- 20µm
TTV: <=2µm
Site Flatness: <=1µm
Warp: <=30µm
Bow: <=20µm
Particles: <=30@>=0.2µm
Front Surface: Polished
Back Surface: Etched
Flat: 1 per SEMI Standard
(flat length 57.5mm +/- 2.5mm)
Ultra-flat 4” wafers
Material: CZ Virgin Silicon Wafer
Grade: Prime / CZ Virgin
Orientation: <100>
Diameter: 100mm
Type: P / Dopant: Boron
Resistivity: 10-20ohm-cm
Wafer Thickness: 525µm +/- 20µm
TTV: <= 4.00µm
Site Flatness: <=?µm
Warp: <=30µm
Bow: <=20µm
Particles: <=20@>=0.3µm
Front Surface: Polished
Back Surface: Etched
Flats: 2 per SEMI Standard
Primary flat length 32.5 ± 2.5mm, secondary flat 18.0 ± 2.0mm